
Mar 03, 2024 Received a NSF CAREER Award! Thank you to the NSF for this gracious award and to my students for making this award possible with their hard work.
Feb 16, 2024 I will be serving on the PC for NSDI’25
Jan 22, 2024 Darby and Max’s paper on “Systemizing and mitigating topological inconsistencies in Alibaba’s microservice call-graph data” was accepted to ICPE’24!
May 20, 2023 Sarah Abowitz will be spending the summer interning at Dynatrace working on observability and privacy. Congrats Sarah!
Apr 28, 2023 Our paper, “Lifting the veil on Meta’s microservice architecture: Analsyes of topology and request workflows,” was accepted to USENIX ATC’23. Congrats to Darby and Yuri!
Apr 17, 2023 Our lab has two posters in NSDI’23’s poster session. Congrats to Sarah, Tomislav, and Zhaoqi!
Jun 01, 2022 Darby Huye is spending the summer at Meta! Congrats, Darby :fire:!
Apr 19, 2022 I’m serving on NSDI’23 for the spring/fall cycle
Mar 29, 2022 Our paper “Identifying mismatches between microservice testbeds and industrial perceptions of micoservices” was accepted to the Journal on Systems Research (JSys). Congratulations to Vish, Darby, and Max :dizzy:!
Feb 20, 2022 An abridged version of our SOCC’21 paper on automated instrumentation choices for performance problems will appear in the June 2022 issue of Operating Systems Review (OSR). Congrats to Mert and the rest of the team :star:.
Jan 07, 2022 D.O.C.C. Lab award a gift from Red Hat to work on discovering motifs in distributed traces. Thank you, Red Hat!
Sep 09, 2021 Got an unexpected pick-me-up in my email this morning! I was nominated in Tufts’ 2021 senior survey as having had a “significant impact on a graduating senior’s intellectural and/or personal development.”
Aug 27, 2021 Our paper, “Automating choices for performance problems in distributed applications with VAIF,” was accepted to SoCC’21! Congrats to Mert Toslali and the rest of the team!
Jul 20, 2021 I’m serving on the PC for SOCC’21 and SIGMETRICS’22. Looking forward to reading some great papers! :sparkles:
Jun 01, 2021 Tomislav Zabcic-Matic also joins the D.O.C.C. Lab as a Ph.D. student!
Feb 01, 2021 The D.O.C.C Lab is growing! Darby Huye joins as a Ph.D. student.
Sep 01, 2020 Max Liu and Zhaoqi Zhang join the D.O.C.C Lab. They are my first two Ph.D. students at Tufts.
Sep 01, 2018 We were awarded a NSF grant to explore automated instrumentation for distributed applications.